Monday, January 30, 2012

How can u account for da very diff. properties of diamond n graphite considerin theyre both composed of carbon?

How can one account for the very different properties of diamond and graphite considering that theyre both composed of carbon?How can u account for da very diff. properties of diamond n graphite considerin theyre both composed of carbon?Diamond is a 3D network with each carbon atom linked to 4 others.

Graphite on the other hand is composed out of layers of carbon with each carbon linking out to three neighbours. One electron is delocalised.

Because of this, diamond is much stronger.How can u account for da very diff. properties of diamond n graphite considerin theyre both composed of carbon?Different temperature and pressure when and where they were formed.How can u account for da very diff. properties of diamond n graphite considerin theyre both composed of carbon?One (diamond) has a 3D lattice crystalline structure, making it equally strong in all directions, while the other (graphite) has essentially 2D sheets (which would be very strong in a flat direction) but loosely bound between layers.

Imagine a pile of paper (graphite) as opposed to a piece of wood (diamond). Paper is made from wood, yet you can easily peel sheets after sheets of paper from a ream.

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