Friday, January 27, 2012

Birthday Ideas?

I have a soon to be 2 year old...I need some ideas for her birthday party..chuckecheese is overdone...i was thinking to zoo but $400 a pop so no thanks...Does anyone have any good ideas..It's a small guest list maybe 10-15 people...any ideas will help!Birthday Ideas?
go to the local park! They have tons of energy and you won't have to worry about the mess being lefr @ ur house-they are only 2 so don't stress too much over it-there will be enough time for that later in lifeBirthday Ideas?
I just had one for my daughter at her gymnastics place. She's been going there for a few years. (She's 4). But there were young ones that loved it! See if there's one in your area. I paid $100 for 12 kids and they supplied everything...
Have a slip n slide/mini pool party for the wee ones. I have a pool party for my son every year and all the kids love it. You just have to make sure you really keep an eye on those little ones. Have fun.Birthday Ideas?
If she likes Dora then have all kinds of Dora decorations and set up a little map type area where they have to follow to get to the cake. It would be about $50
why not throw a party at your house or if nice out at a park usely you can have a party at the park and cost you nothin same with if u have it at your house have a bbq hotdogs, chips. hamburgers. have a few games..prizes..lot bags

(can go to a doller store for prizes/lot bags ) she only turning to its not like its got to be something real bigBirthday Ideas?
See if you have a "pump it up" in your area. or any inflatable party place. The kiddos love those. It's like a huge moonwalk and all types of fun tings for 2 yr olds to do:)
For my 2 and 3 year old we may have a birthday jamboree and make homemade instruments out of paper tubes, milk jugs, and seeds, etc. Colored masking tape is great for decorating these.

My other idea is to do some kind of obstacle course, and get cones from sport mart, those tubes to crawl thru, maybe some old tires, and Oriental Trading or one of those, sells potato sacks you can decorate - or a parachute. A parachute really isnt that expensive.

Now if I could get my husband to find 3 friends and perform Wiggles songs, my 3 year old would love that for his. SHould be easy to find those shirts and make an iron-on wiggles emblem.

Whatever we do, we're keeping it informal and griling out. More of a family event.

Balloon animals are super easy to learn how to make also.
My girlfriend had her party at McDonalds. they had a playground. She bought all the kids happy meals. We had cake and icecream. Kids got goody bags. It was great. cheap too.
I had a balloonist (?) come for my daughter's 2nd. It was great. She made balloon hats and swords and flowers and the list goes on and on. She gave a 15 minute magic show for the adults in the middle. The kids were entertained and had a great time.
I just threw my 2 year old nephew a blues clues party it was loads of fun. we played find the present . we gave 3 clues and he had to follow them in order to find presents. We also played pin the flag on mail box. we made blue punch and cut out paw prints and put them all over the house.we also played where is joe. we had a doll and hid it some where and the kids had to find him.

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