Sunday, February 26, 2012

What individual person has been promoting alternative energy and what made them go that path?

The question from my teacher: The solutions to our environmental problems begin with small steps by individuals just like you. However, occasionally, an individual with great power, charisma, popularity or wealth serves as the catalyst or, sometimes, financier for greater changes. Research the efforts of one such individual and see if you can determine what life events or experiences have led this person to their strong commitment.What individual person has been promoting alternative energy and what made them go that path?Hey Irish, this is a great assignment, There are problably a hundred people that might fit this description, but if it were me, I would probably research Richard Perez. You've probably never heard of him, years ago he and his wife moved to the foothills of Southern Oregon. While they enjoyed the remote lifestyle a great deal, organic fruits and vegetables, using rain water, living in harmony with the wildlife, they were also frustrated by the lack of energy to do some simple things, like make a good margarita in a blender. It's a long and iteresting story, but here he is 25 years later the founder and editor of Home Power Magazine, a periodical devoted to renewable energy, giving speaches at green living functions, and writing a book or two. He has a large staff in several states now and his work is read in dozens of countries. You might find one of his books in your library, The Complete Battery Book. He wrote it as a response to the complete lack of good information on how batteries work, to fill a void that people getting involved in solar and wind power kept running into doing their research. I met him 12 years ago at an energy fair, his stories were inspirational to us. Now we live in a home that is completely powered by the wind and sun. Does that sound like a success story to you? It does to us.

Anyway, that's my suggestion, you might come up with some others. Good luck Irish, and take care, RudydooWhat individual person has been promoting alternative energy and what made them go that path?I'm not doing your homework, but I'd suggest you to look up Ed Begley, Jr.

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