Monday, February 20, 2012

Differentiate between environmental science and environmentalism.?

Differentiate between environmental science and environmentalism. Define each term and explain how they are similar and how they are different; explain the scope of each using specific examples, such as environmental problems and scientists/people who have had influential roles in defining eachDifferentiate between environmental science and environmentalism.?Be careful the light from your PDA screen may give you away.Differentiate between environmental science and environmentalism.?one is a science, another is an excuse for protests and riots.Differentiate between environmental science and environmentalism.?Environmental science is the study of ecosystems and the factors involved with it. It is looked at through the perspective of learning about the natural environment around us how it is and how it has been. Environmentalism is from the perspective of how humans in our present and future society are impacting the environment and what we can do to preserve it. They are similar in the way that they both deal with the environment and the science involved in it, but have different purposes. Any scientist you read or hear about had an influence in environmental science and studied the environment around them. An example of an influence of environmentalism in our society are all the companies 'going green' to preserve nature. For example, one store has switched to using wind power to power their plant and has switched their products to be 'environmentally friendly'. That is just one example of many companies and people 'going green' to preserve the environment. Environmental scientists don't necessarily tell the public to conserve energy, their interest is only the science of how the ecosystems in nature are operating.

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