Monday, February 20, 2012

Can environmental mold cause stomach problems?

I moved into a new place on Friday. The bathroom stinks like mold. I noticed the smell when I viewed the place a month prior to moving in. I assumed that it would be cleaned and not smell funky by the time I moved in. Turns out, I thought wrong.

Ever since Sunday I've been having these dull pains in my upper abdomen. It feels kinda like a hard swelling or something, it's kind of a dullish ache, but gets sharper when it gets worse. I also have noticed a decrease in my appetite and the occasional mild wave of nause when the pain gets really bad.

The pains kind of come and go at random, but I have realized that they really only start when I am at home. My stomach hurts sometimes when I leave the apartment, but within a half hour or so they fade and I no longer notice them.

I know that mold and mildew in buildings can cause respiratory problems, but can they cause stomach problems? Or is this just a coincidence?Can environmental mold cause stomach problems?Yes I think the mold can affect your entire body. My husband was told 5 yrs ago he had lung cancer but when they opened him up in surgery it was just mold, so if you think it's a problem, get your landlord in there or a good cleaning crew because mold can be very dangerous on your body, also it can affect any one who comes to your home. If you feel bad please seek medical attention and tell the Dr. your concerns on this, it is absolutetly worth seeing a Dr. about.. hope you are OK and get betterCan environmental mold cause stomach problems?it sounds like you are stressed over your mold and mildew problem and maybe moving into a new place. Smelling an odor that doesn't agree with you can physically make you sick. Talk with your landlord (if you are renting) about the mildew smell you smell. Also try putting a fragrance of potpourri in your bathroom to combat the smell.
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