Monday, February 20, 2012

Environmental Medicine is the answer to many diseases and chronic health problems-Why is it usually ignored ?

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine was pioneered by a Chicago Allergist-board certified, more than 50 years ago.He has written several books re the impact of our environment-both food and air on human health.His name is Theron Randolph M.D. His research has been basically ignored by the mainstream medical establishment in favor of drugs.Why bother over what causes the disease--just try to squash symptoms-and forget about side-effects.In Canada-a doctor-Abram Hoffer PhD-M.D.also did groundbreaking research on schizophrenia with a simple vitanin-Niacin-as a preventative and even a cure for early onset M.I..As with Dr. Randolph-mainstream Medicine ignores his findings.

One famous person-an actress-Margot Kidder was cured of her Bipolar with Orthomolecular Medicine.

It is a shame that our culture based on greed propagates misleading information to benefit drug companies.Dr. Andrew Weil who also was a pioneer of Integrative Medicine ia also a true American hero........v152Environmental Medicine is the answer to many diseases and chronic health problems-Why is it usually ignored ?Hi Jennifer. Environmental medicine is extremely challenging. It requires an open mind, extensive training, and an involved patient. Most doctors find this approach too difficult. It is relatively easy to label a group of symptoms as 'syndrome x' and then write a prescription to mask the symptoms. Actually thinking about, investigating, and teaching the patient about the complex array of potential underlying CAUSES of 'syndrome x' is very, very hard.

Medicine is driven by its unrecognized dogmatic belief in 'medicines' (vs diet/environment). Most physicians have literally NO training in dietary and environmental causes of 'disease'. There is an old principle in medicine: "You don't find what you don't look for". Docs don't look for dietary or environmental causes of their patients symptoms. Since they 'don't look', they never 'see' these correlations. Since they never 'see' these correlations, in their minds they 'obviously do not exist'.

Fortunately, there are a few medical docs with training in nutrition, environmental medicine, and functional medicine. Additionally, there are many good Chiropractors, Naturopathic Physicians, Certified Clinical Nutritionists, and other 'alternative health care providers' (interesting that 'treating the cause' is considered 'alternative' - that shows how dogmatic the drug treatment mentality really is) that are interested in these approaches.

Best wishes.
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