Thursday, February 23, 2012

How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?

I'm trying to get students at my school become aware of environmental issues. I am myself a student, but I don't how how to make them relate to these problems in order to get them involved. How do I make them to care?

I trying to start an environmental club, and I could really use some help on how make them join the club.How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?You need to make it relate to them..tell them how a clean healthy environment supplies, air, food and water to them. Tell them how many medicines, foods, etc come from plants and from animals that pollinate plants. If they know that their future will depend on the environment, they may be interested in preserving it. Try to plan fun activities, touring a wildlife rehabilitation center where you can see animals being cared for, park clean-up where you could have a picnic before or after the cleaning, a camp-out clean up, etc.How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?
One by one, pay them to research what things people (not themselves only) are doing to harm the environment.

we should learn for ourselves, but it may require an initial motivation.How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?Woo hoo! I'm thrilled to hear that you want to start an environmental club. I'm not sure what kind of environmental issues you want to address (global warming, loss of species, deforestation, landfills, or something else).

Some people may respond to pictures of the polar bears - the ice is melting so they are dying. There was also a good show on the National Geographic channel called Six Degrees Could Change the World. How about the fact that gas prices and other energy prices are so expensive and we are quickly running out of fossil fuels so soon it'll be really expensive, then it'll be gone.

Also - you can let people know how easy it is to take action. There are many websites that have "action alerts" where you can email policymakers to encourage them to enact certain laws. It takes one click. So easy!How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?
good for you hon. But in our terribly busy world I think this may be the last thing on a teen mind. Maybe their are ways on the internet? I am not a teen, I am 29, but I am sooo busy with my kids and work and stuff that environmental stuff is last on my list, and I think is on many others too?How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?Educate them on the severity of the issue if action is not taken. They may be dead in 50 yrs.
Get a teacher involved. You need to get grants or at least scholl support to go out on ome environmental field trips. things like, wate testing with a watershed group, identifying invasive plant with Natural Biodiversity. For more ideas call your county conservation office and get in touch with leaders in those programs. they love to take students on such trips and a field trip, out of school is always popular! You would get more suport form your school if you can find some grant money to pay for the day. There are plenty of grants out there for students and teachers, just start looking.How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?
Having gone through the same period in my life when I was a teen...

It's hard to get people of any age interested in something is it's 'popularity' level. People don't see 'work' as being popular and thus most avoid it because they don't want to put forth the effort.

If you're trying to start a club at school, talk to a counselor to see if special credits (science grade) can be given for extra credit work. If there's a reward directly resulting from a person's effort, then maybe you'll get more participation.

I'm sure for this to go through, you'd have to have one of the teachers head the club and teach something in the club for it to take on a more of an official tone to it.

Good luck...Can I be an honorary member of your club? I'm from Portland, OR - the #2 Rated 'Green' city in the world !!

One idea I can think that your club could do is have the members bring in recycle-able items to school for a 'recycle-drive' (like a toy-drive for presents). The student who brings in the most weight in plastic/metal/paper could get a prize?
uhhhhhhhh???????How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?
say da club haz naked ladiez up in nyah
maybe telling them about how there future mightt be if they dont help and take charge now

am lik suprised ppl dont care i as a teen gurl actually want to help but there is no envirmental club at mi skool i am gonna wait till hs since i am in the 8th grade

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