Thursday, February 23, 2012

How come Africa has such serious problems ?

Africa was inhabited for a long time now. The problems it faces today, like famine, AIDS, wars, overpopulation, environmental destruction and widespread malaria seem to be a relatively recent development. How come Africa has these problems today, but it didn't have them, for example, 3 centuries ago ?How come Africa has such serious problems ?If the problems Africa faces today seem recent to you, it's because you haven't studied enough history. Lots of answers for this question, I'll try to break it down:

Famine: has always been a problem for humans, no matter where they were living. A food surplus leads to prosperity, which helps produce another surplus, more prosperity, etc. It's kind of a circle of increasing productivity, but you need the first surplus to get it started. If your neighbors burn your fields, and then you burn theirs, it messes the whole thing up.

AIDS: relatively new disease, but the lack of science education in many African nations helps it spread. Many still believe it's caused by witchcraft, and can be cured by having sex with a virgin.

Wars: google the "Scramble for Africa" to get a fuller picture of how nations in Africa were formed. European nations colonized Africa and then when they left, nations were formed without any regard to ancient tribal divisions. People from tribes who had been at war before the colonial period were suddenly told they were citizens of the same nation. They just went back to the old battles, and haven't really stopped since.

Environmental destruction: saving the environment is something only the well-off can afford to do. If you need land to grow corn, do you stop to think about how nice the jungle looks, or do you clear cut an acre so you can feed your family?

Malaria: has always been a problem in Africa. Contrary to popular belief, DDT was not banned because it was dangerous; it was banned for political reasons: to appease the growing environmentalist movement, *after* Malaria had been eradicated in Western nations. Now Africans dying of a disease they could be saved from, but any time an African nation considers using DDT, the UN threatens to cut off whatever relief funding they get.How come Africa has such serious problems ?
Because most of them have HIV!!!!!!!!!!!How come Africa has such serious problems ?There's a lot of factors of "why" they have so many problems today.

1) We get more focused on problems today in our more civilized world.

2) Africa is having huge problems with corruptions and so on etc.

That is some of the reasons in my opinion.How come Africa has such serious problems ?
Most of them are not educated, they don't have a sense of hygiene. Now they don't have any choice it is hot there and practically no water,How come Africa has such serious problems ?It did have them, except for AIDS, which developed in the 1950's, but didn't become known until 1980. Of course, enviromental distruction increases as population increases. Malaria had some good treatments in the past, but it has developed resistance to most medicines.

Africa has hundreds of different tribes, each loyal only to itself. They hardly are even aware of national loyalities.

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