Sunday, February 26, 2012

What are the problems in agriculture today?

What are some other problems/controversies besides Environmental effects?What are the problems in agriculture today?1.Non-availability of good fertilizers

2.High cost of farming instruments and vehicles

3.Getting good market for the farmers

4.Unscientific farming

and lot lot more..Just search wikipedia for moreWhat are the problems in agriculture today?
Fewer family farms mean fewer of today's youth growing up on farms. Kids raised in the country have a different view of the world. They are given more responsibilities at younger ages. How many city parents (suburban soccer moms) would let their 11 or 12 yr old son/daughter drive a $500,000 combine down the road? Or a 80,000lb semi loaded with grain. It happens all the time in the country. These kids grow up knowing that they can do things that many people are afraid to even try. A great country needs to have sufficient amount of old-fashioned farm boy/girl logic and ingenuity. I think the loss of rural raised farm families is a serious problem in agriculture today.What are the problems in agriculture today?It is possible to enumerate hundreds of problems related to agriculture. I will give 2 generalizations:

1. How to increase yields per unit area in order to feed the expected influx of population into the urban centers. This is the reason for the recently proposed farming technology called Vertical Farming.

2. How to increase world food production in order to cope up with the continuing rise in world population. It is computed that if we will go back to the natural way of finding our food as the primitive man did, only 2 out 1000 will survive in 2011.What are the problems in agriculture today?
HSUS, PETA, ALF, ELF, and MFA propaganda. They are trying to ban animal agriculture, one step at a time. HSUS is the most effective because they are not "radicals", and they have "humane society" in their name, as well as being government funded. Eventually they want to make it to where it is illegal to own a pet. I know it sounds as if I am becoming radical, but in interviews with Wayne Parcel, HSUS CEO, it is hinted towards that, EVENTUALLY.What are the problems in agriculture today?If we are talking about America, I'd say it would be the death of the family farmer and the rise of the corporate farm. In 1935 there were 6.8 million farms in the US. In 2002 there were 2.1 million farms. The problem with this is a scenario similar to the salmonella outbreak that happened in the egg industry recently. There were very large farms who supplied MANY states with eggs. One mistake has a national impact, not just local or regional.

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